Family Fishing day in June produces some nice redfish and snook

July 8, 2020 4:55 pm By:
Dad caught the big snook of the day on a live threadfin herring on a family fishing day in June

Pete was ready for another and brought the family down again this summer from Philadelphia to Marco for another great family fishing day. Fishing in June produces some nice redfish and snook around Marco Island, so we set out to catch a variety of baits that both species would readily devour.

The water was so clear it made tossing the net difficult. To get the bigger baits, in the deeper waters, we used sabiki rigs. The smaller baits were netted along the beaches.

We pounded on snook all day using big baits on all the outside points and beaches. We also worked the channels just south of Marco Island. The tides eventually came in and were perfect for fishing further back in the mangroves. We put on the micro pilchards, skipped the baits under the mangrove overhangs, and found the reds! Looking forward to another trip next summer!

A family fishing day in June almost almost involves a nice swim to cool down
Family fishing days in June almost always involve cooling off for a swim, and releasing snook!

At the end of yet another great day fishing with Pete Kristy and the kids, we hammered some nice redfish and snook on Marco Island.

#snook #marcoisland #marcoislandflorida #marcocharterfishing #marcoguide #marcobackwaterfishing #marcoinshorefishing #redfish #takeakidfishing #livebait #southerngentlemenfishing

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