The tides and temps were super low, and the winds were high and howling down on the edge of the Everglades today…so after a morning bouncing jigs and picking on ladyfish, Jack’s and snapper, with long time client Rick Kery and son Nick, we decided to sit in a deep trough on the backside of the south Fakahatchee and soak a ladyfish and see what kind of denizen of the deep wanted to eat.

BOOM! The first cast of a wiggling half a ladyfish didn’t even make the rod holder before the drag screamed and what I thought was a tarpon erupted and wallowed it’s big fat head before a drag ripping run and another half jump had me yelling at Nick to reel reel reel, keep that line tight…what the hell is it…tarpon? Spinner shark? 67 degree water doesn’t usually spawn such a beast. It ripped out more line on the big Calcutta 750 before he finally turned it and thought it was lost when the line went slack..nonono, reel reel reel, its swimming to the boat…as we all waited to see what beast was squeezing between the Maverick and the mangroves as it hunted for a safe haven along the dry low tide bank, first the leader, then a shadow…shark, tarpon, omg wtf it’s a snookasaurus! I started stammering and yelling, grabbed the net, and we were all ready when he steered the beast after two more runs, into the big blue set! KABOKM! Nick joins the 40 inch club with a phat thick 42 incher! Oh yeah, Rick muscled in a nice jewfish a little while later to wrap up another fun day with the Detroit Lowes!
Tags: 10000islands, 10000islandsfishing, hirealocalfishingguide, marcoguide, marcoinshorefishing, marcoislandfishing, naplescaptain, naplescharterfishing, naplesfishing, naplesfishingguide, naplesinshorefishing, redfish, snook