Tallie and Jenny wanted to get deep in the 10,000 Islands and into the Park…Pumpkin, Santini and Chockoloskee Bays were remote and loaded with fish and the girls caught piles of snook, trout, reds, and a jewfish …so sweet being on empty waters this early in the spring. Sighted some really big reds along some shallow points but they were blind or drunk, as they jumped all over our baits, blowing em out of the water, and continually missing the bait, and missing the hook when they catch the bait. In the end, both girls were a tarpon away from a grand slam, and we had 3 mullet, so its back to Marco with 3 big mullet, and boom…lost 3 big fish. Oh well, 30 plus fish overall and one of the most graceful redfish release later, this was a day for the books.
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